- Slow paced at first but climatic point in the trailer speeds up the rhythm and length of the shots to build up tension
- At first the shots are played in synchrony with the music, but after the climax a fast paced montage begins to create distortion and chaos for the viewer, to embody the theme of the film
- Constant black flashes on the screen to provide a sudden shock for the viewer and to build tension
- Protagonist wears baby pink to represent innocence and childlike behaviour, yet her strange and chilling behaviour cleverly opposes this
- This contrasts with the other girl, who seems to be her 'enemy', and this is shown through her stark opposition in colour. Her outfits consist of dark blues and black which is opposite to the light and dainty colours the protagonist is seen in
- Location mostly set in the home and dance studio- simple setting to match with her lifestyle- making it realistic.
- A lot of variation in the shots to create more detail and allow the viewer to receive a massive insight on what the plot will entail
- Close up shots to distinguish the true emotions the character is feeling (mostly fear/horror)
- Establishing shots / medium shots for the viewer to get a glimpse and better understanding of the surroundings
- Not a lot of movement when it comes to camera before the 'switch' that occurs in the middle, mostly still shots so the reader can properly concentrate on the content rather than the editing
- However, change occurs at the ending part of the trailer, where a lot of camera movements take place to correlate with the protagonist's sense of disorientation and the hectic acts that are occuring. The camera portrays this through 360 spins, hand held movements and zooms into the faces.
- This trailer is different to others in the aspect that the music is not its main focus, but instead the actual dialogue and shots that appear on the screen.
- Before the pivotal point in the trailer, there is a relaxing orchestral melody playing in the background to correlate with the theme of ballet and theatre.
- However after the climax, the pace picks up and becomes much darker. There is now an eerie tone to the orchestra, much different to before, to match with the shots and the frightening things taking place.
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